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Your Gateway into the World of Druidawn®

Welcome to the student home page of Druidawn®! Here you will find our latest updates, spotlighted artists and authors, and general announcements regarding the World of Druidawn®.  These pages are works in progress, so keep tuning in for more!

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Druidawn® information you could ever want!

Spotlight Artist


Rosie Turner - Age 12

Overlord Updates

We have officially entered the Age of Revolution on Druidawn and lots of changes are happening all around the planet. Overlord Jallora has fallen and the Shape Shifter Aecea has risen in her place. Lord Kulaan will soon be replaced by another ruler of chaos who will be a surprise to all. Vanderis and Raytor have formed an alliance that leaves all of Druidawn in danger of a hostile takeover.


(Note: your Shadow Knight Training is likely taking place right at the end of the Age of Order where Jallora is still alive - but we promise you that by the time your character becomes a full Shadow Knight, the Age of Revolution will be upon you!)

In addition, the Elves are beginning to organize and protest the fact that even though they make up the majority of Druidawn's popluation, none of the overlords is an Elf.  They are not represented in the government and they're not going to be silent about it any longer!


As if that wasn't enough, the Sleeping Guardian himself, Morpheus, will soon be dethrowned by new Druids who are headed to the planet as we speak. They include Athena, Artemis, Odin and Anubis. Things are about to get crazy around here! Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!


Our new Legends of Druidawn Gamers Manual is finally in the works! We had to get this website and Speculation done first, but now that those projects have been developed, we're about ready to turn our attention toward revising your gamers manual.  There will be new magical items, pet-specific powers, information about the World of Druidawn, new terms for things (such as "Tuathan" instead of Wizard or Witch - which are too gender-specific), and so much more! We'll email everyone as soon as the new manual is complete. Hoping for a December release if not sooner!

Also, coming soon: Speculation expansions!  We'll be doing the following expansions: HORROR! (for mature players), MYSTERIES (for general players), WHAT WOULD YOU DO? (situational prompts for mature players). Check back here for further information as it becomes available.

Just Added!!!


We just added some new student artwork to

our student gallery page, go check it out!

Plus, a new short story, Midnight in the Water by Josephine Murphy. Find it in the PG-13 category!

We just added more creatures to our flying and land mystics and unique!

Have fun exploring these incredible beings!

Read about the Beeble, Banshee, Harpies,  Kazar, Storm Demons, Venom Faeries, Weecats, and Will-o-the-wips!

More cool creatures are coming soon!

Spotlight Author

Fiona Gehrke - Age 14
Middletown, NY

Beyond the Broken Sky

by Fiona Gehrke

Content Warnings: Some creepy, scary descriptions and ghostly content. One injury mentioned, no blood.

Aisla tugged the reeds from their place in the riverbed, then tucked them into her basket. She made her way towards a thick clump of similar plants, holding her plaid skirts above her ankles with one hand. She bent to grip them by their roots, but the reeds refused to come up. Aisla let her dress drop and swirl around her ankles in the water, trying to get a better grip on the plant stalks. She had just managed to extricate them, when a gentle splash sounded behind her. Aisla turned, and the reeds fell out of her limp hand.

There, in the river, with her green dress eddying about her like a ripple of ink, was a woman. She possessed an unearthly beauty —her pale skin unblemished, long black hair as dark as the night sky— but there was something cold about her smile, like someone who had forgotten how to.

She knew that something was horribly wrong with the woman— after all, she had grown up on tales of malicious water demons that waited in hiding to drown you, to make you one of them. But Aisla’s feet betrayed her wary mind, and she found herself edging along the slippery riverbed. The stranger’s smile grew, until it became obvious that it was no longer a smile. It was then that Aisla realized what was wrong.

The woman’s legs were covered in dark brown fur, and they ended in hooves. Her eyes were an unnatural kaleidoscope of green and blue, so deep and endless that Aisla found herself staring fixedly into them. The glaistig —for that was what she must’ve been— outstretched her arms, like she was waiting for an embrace.

At last, Aisla came to her senses. She swung the basket of reeds out in front of her as a makeshift weapon. “Stay back, ye evil fuath!”

The glaistig’s smile turned into a snarl. It struck the basket out of Aisla’s grasp, sending it skittering away over the wet stones, reeds spilling out into the river. One of its fingernails ripped a jagged cut down her palm. The water spirit lunged for her, clammy hands clamping down onto her forearms. Aisla screamed, trying to pull away, but the glaistig’s grip was superhuman, and she felt herself slipping, losing more ground by the second.

Her foot caught on a protruding rock, and she went under. The glaistig appeared in front of her, its eyes twin pinpricks of malevolent green, grasping fingers now tipped with jagged claws dragging her deeper into the river.

Aisla’s last sight was the distant sky that seemed broken by the rippling waters, as she and the spirit sunk into the darkness.




A young girl stumbled over the muddy riverbanks, her shoes sinking into the mud and catching on buried rocks. Her foot hit something partially submerged underwater. Elsie knelt down, and upon doing so, realized that it was a tattered basket. There were a few reeds trapped inside of it, and they swirled away with the current.


She glanced up in search of it’s owner, but there was no one in sight. The girl turned to place the basket on the grass, when her eyes fell on something just below the surface of the water. She knew that she should’ve turned and ran —having heard horrible tales of water spirits that longed to turn you into one— but there was something so entrancing about the young woman that stood there, in the middle of the river.


It gestured for her to come closer. Elsie returned its cold smile, and took the outstretched hand, without noticing the scar that ran down its palm, or the way that its green eyes glimmered with something inhuman. If anyone had walked past, they would’ve seen an old, frayed basket, and two sets of footsteps— both leading into the river, and neither coming out.

Spotlight Poet

Noah Lev Bartell-Mangel
Age 17, CA

The Shape in the Future


The water rises and falls.

The earth spins and runs.

The moon orbits faithfully.

The sun rises and sets.


The days pass;

And the months;

And the years;

And the centuries.


Time rolls steadily onward.

The universe exponentially grows.

The earth heats up

Like popcorn in a lidded pot.


The sky is dark

And light

And orange

And gray.


The air is thick

And sears your sinuses

And chokes your throat

And stings your eyes.


But time moves on,

The trees grow,

The universe grows,

And there is something

That I can see in the future.


As time passes,

The shape sharpens

And becomes more defined.

Slowly it emerges from the haze

Of the future:


Earth has healed.

Life is back to normal.


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